Oskar Zovic / 29 Nov 2010 17:45

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A number of them are rich in fibre, grain type it is buck wheat, barley,
oat,( oat is also higher in fat) corn, milo ...... in seeds... canary
millet, sesame seed, hemp , rape, flax....with the last three we have to
careful of the amount because o a high fat content. As for the legumes,
beans, (mung, faba, vetch) are also rich in fibre. Then we have peas which
are rich in fibre and protein, but low in carbs. Sun flower and sae flower
are also high on fibre, providing the husk is on.
Therefore in order to have hens in prime condition for breeding I like to
reduce the carbs, while at same time increase fibre and protein. But,
overall the amount of feed intake is reduced.

Submitted by Oskar Zovic on 11/29/2010 5:40:45 PM