Oskar Zovic / 19 Feb 2011 15:03

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Luka, anyone who have had the opportunity to see the position of you
coop,wonders how it's possible to stay any birds at all. The high hedges on
one side,a tree on the other,not to mentioned the house it self completely
blocking the view as well.
However, as much as the location of the coop(s) is a problem , more of a
problem are birds of pray. I remember in seventies,eighties,up to mid
nineties my losses were as low as 5-6 %.
But then I / We didn't have to worry about birds being hit on the coop or
in the air, which certainly is the case now.. Last few years I could never
fly a kit of birds without an attack. I witness a number of birds being
taken,as well as just chased in every different direction. Now,are all of
the chased birds taken ? Probably not. but being young and inexperienced,
they simply go to far and get lost, or sadly enough land on somebody's else
coop,and it's a well known fact ( at least here) that the racing man
usually pull their necks,and some others keep them...naturally minus leg
band. So, are we talking luck of understanding the breeding practices, by
the breeder ,or birds being forced to get lost due to an attack by BOP.
Now whatever we do, either based on "facts" or theory, it just might not be
enough,unless we get friendlier skies for our birds to fly under.
I'm sure, every intelligent person breeds to retain and /or to improve on
all the traits necessary in our birds, neglecting any of them will result in
a inferior specimen.

Submitted by Oskar Zovic on 2/19/2011 3:40:03 PM