A Pigeon Medicine Cabinet

raja4u's picture

Not only for my own birds , but because I can't help myself ........I help other friends I find in trouble or need and I am trying to develop a medicine cabinet that will contain medicines I will have on hand at anytime to treat the most common pigeon ailments I am most likely to encounter .

These are my 6

1/ Baytril - Antibiotic

2/ Amoxicillin with clavulic acid is an excellent choice as Antibiotic too.

3/ Turbosole & Flagyl Tablets - Canker

4/ Moxidectin Plus - Worms , Lice & Mites

5/ Sulfa AVS - Antibiotic

6/ Doxycycline - Respiratory

I think it would be interesting to know what top 6 or more medications other members would or might consider having stored in theirs