Naveed / 23 Sep 2010 05:02

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I myself had to move my birds from my home to another place due to neighbors
complaining. I had the case going for over a year, and actually won the case
but I figured out my neighbor would never leave me alone. He would scare the
birds when they were about to land, if they flied over his garden etc etc.
So I moved them to a farm nearby where they kept horses. I got the chance
to rent a room there which I could convert into a pigeon loft.

The reason I was interested in your loft setup is because I am looking for
some ideas to change my loft. The room I have rented I converted into 3
sections. I keep Pakistani high fliers, a few racing homers (Started with
racing homers when I got into the pigeon fancy, and now I only have 3 pairs
left which I use as pumpers for my other breeds), and lately I bought some
tipplers and some fantails I could use as droppers. Currently I have a
section I use for breeding, here I have 18 nest boxes, all which are approx.
40 inches long, 18 inches high, and wide. This section is about 10 feet
long, and 6 feet wide. The second section I use for my young birds, here its
just normal V shaped perches, this one is 6.5 feet long, and 5 feet wide.
The third section I use to keep my old birds, this one has a lot of small
box perches similar to those in your cocks and hens sections. This section
is about 8 feet long, and 6 feet wide.

I have been experimenting with the tipplers lately, and I am not sure why
but the hawks seems to be much more interested in the high fliers rather
than the tipplers. My guess is that the areas around the farm is also the
home of hundreds of feral pigeons. So maybe the color of the tipplers
confuse the hawk. The fact that tipplers rake might also play a role in
this, as the high fliers circled above the loft making it easier for the
hawks. I can fly a kit of tipplers for several days without spotting a hawk.
But if I fly my high fliers, I can go as far as guaranteeing that the hawk
will show up within 5 minutes after I liberate the birds.

Anyhow to make the long story short.. Due to the hawks not giving me a
chance to fly my pakistani high fliers, I have given away all my old birds
only keeping a few pairs in case I want to start breeding from them again.
Right now I am pretty much only focusing on the tipplers. Now that the old
birds section is empty, I thought I would convert it into a tippler loft. I
see that you keep your birds in individual boxes, do they stay in those the
whole year long? Maybe its just me, but I dont really have the heart to lock
the birds up in such small boxes, I like giving my birds the freedom to fly
around, free access to the aviary etc.. But again maybe I am used to other
breeds, and such open systems dont work with tipplers. I do not have enough
experience to have any opinions about that yet..

You have a nice setup, and have done well with the limited space you had

Submitted by "Naveed" on 9/23/2010 5:02:12 AM
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