Mehdi Tchavoshinia / 22 Nov 2010 05:01

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First of all, the inspection of roaming referee is not a random action, it’s
an act which takes place when there are rumors of someone who usually just
reports a fantastic report of his flying but would at some point become
doubtful to the council, so the council appoints two referees with
experience in tippler flying with consideration of all aspects like
neighborhood situation and control the suspect, if their observation proves
the rumor, then the council calls the referee who signed a perfect fly time
sheet and reported it as very normal without mentioning a split or any other
interruption and starts questioning him , in all cases till now that I have
heard of at DFU about those who have been suspended, the referees after
being told that there has been control and result was different than the
report, they have admitted that they were absent at the time if such thing
did happen, they always give up defending the competitor when they are told
that it is a criminal act signing a falls report. So in such a case the
council becomes 100% sure that some irregular action has taken place, then
the council decides what to do.

In one of my O/B competition, I think it was the Long day, one of the
members and I were in contact all night till we liberated our birds at 4.00
in the morning, he called me at about 7 O’clock and said that his birds are
flying very low and want to land, I told him that my birds were flying
perfect. Soon after that he called again and said that his birds landed. It
was a very hot day we had 37°C temperature at noon time, the more we went
towards the mid day the higher my birds were flying, so higher to a height
that they were most of the time not visible with eyes, we had to look for
them with the binoculars. Because of the extreme hot weather, just before
9.00 AM we left the loft area and went into the Building to seek shelter.
We sat in a room well dominant to the sky for observation the fly from
inside the building. I had forgot my mobile in the car. At about 1.00 PM
when I went to get lunch for my referee with the car, my mobile rang and
there was the guy whose birds had landed at 7.00 am, he asked me if my birds
had landed I said no they are still flying, so he called me a layer and said
he had visited my loft at about 10.00 Am, he didn’t see any one or any birds
flying and my mobile didn’t answer. So I explained to him the situation and
told him that he could still not see any one or any bird but if he went to
my place he could find the referee inside the building sitting by the window
and could take the binoculars from him to see the birds, I also gave him the
mobile no. of my referee so he could ask him about the situation. This
wasn’t an official roaming referee, but he did suspect something and had
reported it to a council member before talking to me, so there was a check
on my next flight which I found out about it long after that. I had no
problem with it.

Submitted by Mehdi Tchavoshinia on 11/22/2010 5:46:01 AM